Friday, January 27, 2012

Is my spanish english translation good can u guys correct it for me if i made mistakes plz?

we have a spanish project and we have to use commands so im going to show my class how to make a labne sandwich

labne is a typee of sour cream =)

so may you guys tell me if i made any mistkaes pleasee

You need bread labne vegetable oil mint salt and olives

Necesiten pan, labne, aceite ,

la menta sale, sal y aceitunas

first take out the bread and put it on the table

primero saquen el pan y pongan en la mesa

second spread the labne on the bread

Segundo esparcan “la labne” en el pan

Then apply a little salt

Luego aplicen un poco sal

After pull the mint leaves and put them on

Despues tiren la menta sale y ponganlas en

Then take out the olive seed and put the oluves in

Luego saquen la semilla de aceituna y pongan las aceitunas en

Then pour the oil on the sandwich

Luego viertan el aceite en el sandwich

After roll the sandwich y eat!=]

Despues arrollen el sandwich y coman!=)Is my spanish english translation good can u guys correct it for me if i made mistakes plz?
NECESITAN pan, labne, aceite, menta, sal y aceitunas



primero saquen el pan y ponganLO en la mesa



second spread the labne on the bread

Segundo esparZan “la labne” en el pan



Then apply a little salt

Luego apliQUen un poco DE sal



After pull the mint leaves and put them on



Then take out the olive seed and put the oluves in

Luego saquen la semilla de aceituna y pongan las aceitunas

(you don't need the "en")


Then pour the oil on the sandwich

Luego viertan el aceite en el sandwich



After roll the sandwich y eat!=]

Despues arrollen el sandwich y coman!=)
If this is for your class, take the smiley faces out, I'm not much of a spanish speaker, so I wouldn't know anything about the rest of the instructions.Is my spanish english translation good can u guys correct it for me if i made mistakes plz?
You need bread labne vegetable oil mint salt and olives

Se necesita pan, aceite de labne, sal de menta y aceitunas

first take out the bread and put it on the table

primero sacar el pan y ponerlo en la mesa

second spread the labne on the bread

Segundo untar “la labne” en el pan

Then apply a little salt

Luego aplicar un poco sal

After pull the mint leaves and put them on

Después arranca la menta y ponla encima

Then take out the olive seed and put the oluves in

Luego saca la semilla de aceituna y pon las aceitunas encima

Then pour the oil on the sandwich

Luego vierte el aceite en el sandwich

After roll the sandwich y eat!=]

Después enrollar el sandwich y comerlo !=)Is my spanish english translation good can u guys correct it for me if i made mistakes plz?
"Necesiten" should be Necesitan because you're not commanding them it's more like a statement or observation.

Like, Uds. necesitan sus libros.

In the part "primero" pongan , I'm pretty sure, should be ponganlo because you said put "it" on the table.

Everything else looks good.
it is very good wut spanish are you taking i'm taking spanish one this year.
muy beunos. dont use translaters they are way wrong. Translaters are... idiotos. Si? No, se.

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