Friday, January 27, 2012

Spanish-English translation help?

I have to do an oral project for my Spanish class, and I'm talking about Francisco de Goya. My question is, what is the more appropriate way to say "He was born in...."

Would it be "nacio en...." or "fue nacido" or something else altogether?Spanish-English translation help?
nacio en (:
Naci贸 en el a帽o... or naci贸

*shudder* fue just SOUNDS wrong! Even if I didn't know the rules!Spanish-English translation help?
Francisco de Goya naci贸 en ....Spanish-English translation help?
el se nacio en...
"El nacio en..."
El naci贸 en "the rest of the sentence"
depends Fue nacido en (the place)

EX: Fue nacido en jalisco

or nacio en (place)

EX:Nacio en el hospital Gayis

you get me

But it depends what you say after it but more appropriate would be NACIO EN :]
Francisco de Goya nacio en....

Fue nacido is like saying watch my watch....double past tense
Francisco de Goya "nacio en" is the best or proper way to say "he was born in". if you say "fue nacido", it is improper to say it since it is just a translation from english to spanish...

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