Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spanish english translation....help please?

i need to translate this quote to english, please can you help me!!! thanks

"La escuela no es simplemente un lugar donde se aprenden cosas, saberes, t茅cnicas, es tambi茅n una instituci贸n que otorga t铆tulos 鈥攅s decir, derechos鈥?y confiere al mismo tiempo aspiraciones.

El antiguo sistema escolar produc铆a menos confusi贸n que el sistema actual con sus ramificaciones complicadas, que provocan que las personas tengan aspiraciones mal ajustadas a sus oportunidades reales."Spanish english translation....help please?
"School is not only the place where you learn things, it is the place that grants titles--meaning,rights--and confers at the same time aspirations.

The ancient scholastic system produced less confusion than the actual system with its complicated branches, that make people have aspirations that aren't correctly adjusted to their real opurtunities."Spanish english translation....help please?
"School is not simply a place where we learn things, knowledge, ways of doing things...It is also an institution that offers titles and at the same time conferring aspirations.

The old school system produced less confussion than the actual system with its complicated ramifications, which make people have lower aspirations than their real opportunities."

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