Friday, January 27, 2012

Is this Spanish-English translation correct?

There is a lyric from a Shakira song called "No creo":

"Solo tu doblas mi razon

Y por eso a donde tu quieras voy"

Would I be right to translate that to the following in English?

"Only you bend my reason (as in change my mind :S)

And that is why I go where you want me to."

It is mainly the first line which confuses me most : doblar razon :s

Gracias por anticipado :)

MuchosIs this Spanish-English translation correct?
You did good, but I think "razon" means more like "reasoning" in this sentence. Like, he makes her crazy :-p

I'd translate it like this:

"Only you bend my reasoning

And that is why, where you want me, I'll go."
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