Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can you check my English Spanish translation?

Until very recently it was accepted wisdom that the Egyptian pyramids at Gaza were built using slave labour. This belief perhaps drew some strength from racist assumptions about primitive construction projects relying on a huge supply of largely disposable unskilled labour rather than skilled craftsmanship, but also, to be fair, from the guess that the pyramids are just so big that an army of slaves must have done the bulk of the work. The Greek historian Herodotus visited the pyramids in the 5th Century BC at a time when they were already more than 2000 years old, and his estimate of the labour force involved was 100,000, a figure that has remained influential in guesstimates.Can you check my English Spanish translation?
recientemente, era aceptado

tal vez, obtuvo algun credito

no solo de las preasumciones racistas

construcciones primitivas

que dependiade trabajadores disponibles con pocas habilidades,

sino para ser justo acerca de la suposicion

las piramides fueron tan grandes simplemente a cosequencia de tener un ejercito de esclavos para

...Cristo durante el tiempo cuando estas ya existieron desde hace dos mil anos

El estimo que la cantidad de esclavos usados era de cien mil, una cantidad que influyo las futuras estimaciones historicas

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