Thursday, February 9, 2012

Help with translation English - Spanish?

I am busy doing an assignment and need to get this parapraph accurately translated. I am just struggling with the very last part ("delivers a stronger stimulus to the impaired apparatus" (Paradis, 1983, p. 637)"). I dont know what exactly the author means by IMPAIRED APPARATUS. This is the original text and following is the transaltion I have (help me find the correct meaning of those words here):

Beyond the early notions of native-language status, language use and emotional significance of a language, and their respective influence on language localization and recovery from aphasia, langage automaticity and type of bilingualism have also been proposed as factors that influence language localization and organization in bi- and multilingual speakers麓 brain. In a precise contradiction of Pitres, Kainz (1960, in Paradis, 1983) proposed that the language most vulnerable to aphasia in bi- and multilingual speakers was the language that was most automatic and used most unconsciously. he stated that we converse in the native language automatically, without conscious reflection, whereas a later learned language, which requires more volitional and conscious effort to use, "delivers a stronger stimulus to the impaired apparatus" (Paradis, 1983, p. 637).


M谩s all谩 de las primeras nociones del status de la lengua nativa, del uso y el significado emocional de la lengua, y la influencia respectiva en la localizaci贸n de la lengua y la recuperaci贸n de esta de la afasia, la automaticidad de la lengua y el tipo de biling眉ismo tambi茅n se han propuesto como factores que influyen la localizaci贸n de las diferentes lenguas y su organizaci贸n en el cerebro en hablantes biling眉es y multiling眉es. Por otro lado, Kainz propone algo totalmente opuesto a Pitres. Kainz (1960, en Paradis, 1983) propone que la lengua m谩s vulnerables a la afasia en hablantes biling眉es y multiling眉es fue el idioma que se utiliza en forma m谩s autom谩tica e inconsciente. Afirm贸 que el hablante converge en el idioma autom谩ticamente, sin reflexi贸n consciente, mientras la segunda lengua, requiere m谩s esfuerzo volitivo y consciente para ser utilizada, "ofreciendo un mayor est铆mulo al miembro alterado" (Paradis, 1983, p. 637).Help with translation English - Spanish?
I agree with Raqui's statement and Mai Tai's translation of the phrase in question and suggestion that more changes need to be made. You don't always need to keep long, unwieldy sentence structures in English when translating. You have made separate sentences at the end, but not at the beginning where it needed it more. Also, watch out for typos like converge for conversa.

Aphasia is loss of language due to damage to the area of the brain that controls language. The impaired apparatus, is referring to the damaged brain area.Help with translation English - Spanish?
The impaired apparatus is not a "miembro" but rather the injured area of the left hemisphere of the brain, where language abilities reside, in the anatomical sense of a group of neurons that work together to perform a given function; "the speaking apparatus." [This usage is similar to Noam Chomsky's postulated LAD or Language Acquisition Device, referring to a "hard-wired" cerebral function related to language acquisition in children, which is certainly relevant to the expression used here.] So I would translate "delivers a stronger stimulus to the impaired apparatus" as "presenta mayor est铆mulo a la funci贸n afectada."

I have a few other suggestions where I differ slightly from the translation of the rest of your paragraph. Would you like to hear them?Help with translation English - Spanish?
M谩s all谩 de las primeras nociones de la lengua nativa condici贸n, el uso del lenguaje emocional y la importancia de un idioma, y sus respectivos influencia sobre el lenguaje de localizaci贸n y recuperaci贸n de la afasia, langage automaticidad y el tipo de biling眉ismo tambi茅n se han propuesto como factores que influyen en la localizaci贸n de idiomas y la organizaci贸n en bi-y multiling眉e de oradores cerebro. En una contradicci贸n precisa de Pitres, Kainz (1960, en el Paradis, 1983) propone que la lengua m谩s vulnerables a la afasia en bi-y multiling眉e oradores fue el idioma que m谩s se utilizan autom谩tica y la mayor铆a inconscientemente. Dijo que conversar en la lengua autom谩ticamente, sin reflexi贸n consciente, mientras que m谩s tarde aprend铆 un idioma, que requiere m谩s volitiva y consciente esfuerzo para utilizar ", ofrece un fuerte est铆mulo a los problemas de aparato" (Paradis, 1983, p. 637) .

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