Thursday, February 9, 2012

Please help with translation English to spanish?

What does these sentences mean in spanish?

1. The throw up had just hit.

2. By then things had already gone beyond tags.

I'll be glad if anyone could help me.

Thanks in advance.

CheersPlease help with translation English to spanish?

Since the key words of the above sentences are parts of graffiti terminology, they can't really be translated. When it comes to translation, you can explain the exact meaning of the expression putting a footnote.

El "throw-up" (1) acababa de ser un 茅xito.

Para entonces las cosas hab铆an llegado m谩s all谩 de las "tags" (2).

(1) Throw-up:

Una imagen hecha r谩pidamente. Generalmente consiste en un contorno de un solo color y una capa de relleno en otro color.

(A quickly made picture. It generally consists of a one-colour outline and one layer of fill-color.)

(2) Tag:

Una firma estilizada, normalmente hecha en un solo color.

(A stylized signature, normally done in one color.)

I hope I was of help.

Greetings :)

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