Friday, February 3, 2012

Need Spanish translation! (English to Spanish) ?


In the incan language, Quechua, their empire was known as Tawantinsuyu. This means "land of the four quarters." The empire and all four of the quarters which it was divided into met at the Incan capital Cuzco, Peru in South America. Today, pieces of the Incan empire still remain in different areas of the central highlands of the Andes. The Incas were a big group, and the strongest of this were located in the highlands. By 1532 they had built a lot of land that spanned from the Pacific coast across the Andes to the Atlantic coast and from central Chile to Ecuador ("When Pizarro," p. 1).

-it doesnt need to be exact..u can change it plz! =[

i have no idea how to say this in spanish!Need Spanish translation! (English to Spanish) ?
En el lenguaje Inca, Quechua, el imperio se conocia como Tawantinsuyu. Esto significa "tierra de los cuatro quartos." El imperio y sus cuatro cuartos se reunieron en la capital Inca de Cuzco, Peru en Sudamerica. Hoy en dia, pedazos del imperio Inca todavia permanecen en diferentes areas de las tierras altas en los Andes. Los Incas eran un grupo grande, y los grupos mas poderosos estaban ubicados en las tierras altas. En 1532 ya habian conquistado muchas tierras que iban desde la costa Pacifica, cruzando los Andes, hasta la costa Atlantica, y desde el centro de Chile hasta Ecuador.Need Spanish translation! (English to Spanish) ?

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