Friday, February 3, 2012

What is the spanish to english translation of "ji ji" ?

it was in an email i got and i dont know what it meansWhat is the spanish to english translation of "ji ji" ?
JIJI or JE JE or JAJA = he he/ha ha

in Spanish the letter "J" has the same sound as "H" like : House Ham HarmWhat is the spanish to english translation of "ji ji" ?
It's the equivalent of "hehe." In Spanish the letter J makes and H sound. Say "ji ji" out loud as if you were speaking Spanish. It works, no? They can't say "hehe" because the Spanish H is entirely silent. It would come out like "eeee."

Don't worry, it took me a while to figure out what it was the first time I saw it, too. =PWhat is the spanish to english translation of "ji ji" ?
jiji jaja. just change the j to an h and there u got it. we only pronounce the H on rare occasions if at all.

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