Friday, February 3, 2012

Second Opinion on Spanish-English Translation...?

Hace dias perdi en alguna cantina

[Days ago, in a bar, I lost]

La mitad de mi alma mas el quince de propina

[Half my soul and my 15-dollar tip]

No es que sea el alcohol la mejor medicina

[It's not that alcohol's the best medicine]

Pero te ayuda olivdar cuando no ves la salida

[But it helps you forget when you don't see a way out]

Hoy te intento contar que todo va bien aunque no te lo creas

[I'm trying to tell you today that everything's fine even if you don't believe it]

Aunque a estas alturas un ultimo esfuerzo no valga la pena

[Though at this point, one last effort won't be worth it]

Hoy los buenos recuerdos se caen por las escaleras

[Today the good memories fall down the stairs]

Y tras varios tequilas las nubes se van pero el sol no regresa

[And after several tequilas the clouds leave but the sun doesn't return]

Sue帽os de habitacion de un hotel de carretera

[Dreams of a bedroom from a roadside hotel]

Thank you very much :)Second Opinion on Spanish-English Translation...?
Very good translation. I would only makes these changes:

Sue帽os de habitacion de un hotel de carretera

[Dreams FROM a bedroom OF a roadside hotel]

Edit: "and should i use roll or roll down for this sentence..."y unas gotas de lluvia que guardo en esta maleta ruedan por el colchon..."? or either seems fine?"

I would use "roll," as in the Spanish version it doesn't mention that the drops roll "off" the mattress :-)

Edit II: Nice song. I think you got it right :-)Second Opinion on Spanish-English Translation...?
overall good...except the last should be...suenos de una habitacion de un hotel de carretera.Second Opinion on Spanish-English Translation...?
Hoy te intento contar que todo va bien aunque no te lo creas

I INTENT to tell you everything''s going right even if you don't believe it.

That's all I see wrong with it, last stanza looks good to me ^_^.

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